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You are customizing Colors
The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing them. You can navigate to different pages on your site within the preview. Edit shortcuts are shown for some editable elements.

    Customizing ▸ Widgets Add a Widget

    The search results will be updated as you type.

    Display the number of spam comments Akismet has caught

    A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.

    Display blogs authors with avatars and recent posts.

    Blog Stats (Jetpack)

    Hit counter is delayed by up to 60 seconds.

    Show a hit counter for your blog.

    A calendar of your site’s Posts.

    A list or dropdown of categories.

    Displays text without margin in sidebar.

    Displays a profile with a photo and social media links.

    Colors Recent Posts

    Displays recent posts with featured images.

    Contact Info & Map (Jetpack)

    Display a map with your location, hours, and contact information.

    Display WordPress Posts (Jetpack)

    Enter a or Jetpack WordPress site URL.

    Displays a list of recent posts from another or Jetpack-enabled blog.

    Goodreads (Jetpack)

    Display your books from Goodreads

    Google+ Badge (Jetpack)

    Display a Google+ Badge to connect visitors to your Google+

    Google Translate (Jetpack)

    Provide your readers with the option to translate your site into their preferred language.

    Gravatar Profile (Jetpack)

    Edit Your Profile | What's a Gravatar?

    Display a mini version of your Gravatar Profile

    If empty, we will attempt to determine the image size.

    Display an image in your sidebar

    Displays your latest Instagram photos

    Login, RSS, & links.

    Milestone (Jetpack)

    Display a countdown to a certain date.

    My Community (Jetpack)

    Display members of your site's community.

    Page IDs, separated by commas.

    A list of your site’s Pages.

    Your site’s most recent comments.

    Your site’s most recent Posts.

    Entries from any RSS or Atom feed.

    A search form for your site.

    Social Media Icons (Jetpack)

    A simple widget that displays social media icons.

    A cloud of your most used tags.


    Arbitrary text or HTML.

    Top Posts & Pages (Jetpack)

    Top Posts & Pages by views are calculated from 24-48 hours of stats. They take a while to change.

    Shows your most viewed posts and pages.

    Upcoming Events (Jetpack)

    Display upcoming events from an iCalendar feed.

    No widgets found.

    Customizing ▸ Menus Add Menu Items